Can You Wear A Bikini In Aceh?

Can You Wear A Bikini In Aceh?

A viral video of a couple on a beach in Aceh Singkil sparked an online furore recently


A recent viral video of a Caucasian couple walking along a beach in Aceh Singkil sparked debate online about the rules regarding dress codes in the conservative province which enjoys semi-autonomous status from the rest of Indonesia.

This podcast discusses the history of Aceh Province, its judicial status within Indonesia and whether wearing a bikini is actually prohibited by law.

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Further reading:

Biki-no! Aceh authorities pursuing tourist filmed beach strolling in two-piece swimsuit - Coconuts Jakarta

Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding

Qanun Aceh Nomor 8 Tahun 2014

Ulama Aceh Keluarkan Fatwa Wisata Halal, Turis Diimbau Ikuti Syariat Islam - Detik Travel

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Disclaimer: This post does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to translate legal documents accurately from Indonesian to English, the contents of this newsletter is for information only based on Hukum’s understanding of the law.

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